Preventing Falls For The Elderly At Home

Many elderly people fall at home when moving too quickly from sitting to standing and vice versa.

A fall can be so frightening to some elderly people that they may avoid most activities out of fear of falling. This does not sound reasonable to us.

According to CDC, falls in elderly folks over 65 years old are the No. 1 cause of injuries that can be fatal, such as:

  •         hip fractures
  •         cuts
  •         head and brain traumatic injuries

As the saying goes “prevention is better than cure”, we aim to provide the best care and physiotherapy intervention that can improve quality of movement and balance.

There are exercise programs we can curate specific to each person to improve their balance and quality of movement. Our 1 hour sessions will focus on muscle strengthening, balance re-training and may also recommend assistive devices that will keep the elderly safe, if required.

Rebuilding the elderly’s confidence in movement is of great importance to them as well as their family & caregivers who care for them.

Here are some questions to assess if you or your elderly will need physiotherapy!

The following questions are scenario based.:

  1. From sitting to standing,
    1. I am able to stand without using hands and stabilize independently
    2. I need some support of armrest / aid / person 

  2. In standing unsupported,
    1. I am able to stand safely for 2minutes
    2. I have difficulty standing unsupported under 2 minutes 

  3. In standing to sitting,
    1. I am able to sit safely with minimal use of hands
    2. I have difficulty descending into the chair & needs assistance to sit 

  4. When transferring between a chair and a bed / between two chairs,
    1. I am able to transfer safely with minor use of hands
    2. I have difficulties transferring and need some assistance from others 

  5. Standing unsupported with eyes closed,
    1. I am able to stand for 10 seconds safely
    2. I have trouble standing unsupported with my eyes closed, for 3 seconds

If you have answered mostly Bs, then physiotherapy will be able to help your elderly family member to improve their quality of life.
